An Artifact Dependency Graph (ADG) can be represented as a directed acyclic graph(DAG) with the nodes identified by an artifact id.

flowchart BT
    Artifact-2[Artifact-2 ID] --> Artifact-1[Artifact-1 ID]
    Artifact-3[Artifact-3 ID] --> Artifact-1[Artifact-1 ID]
    Artifact-4[Artifact-4 ID] --> Artifact-2[Artifact-2 ID]
    Artifact-5[Artifact-5 ID] --> Artifact-2[Artifact-2 ID]
    Artifact-6[Artifact-6 ID] --> Artifact-3[Artifact-3 ID]
    Artifact-7[Artifact-7 ID] --> Artifact-3[Artifact-3 ID]

GitBOM advocates for using the gitoid of an artifact as its artifact id:

flowchart BT
    Artifact-2[Artifact-2 gitoid] --> Artifact-1[Artifact-1 gitoid]
    Artifact-3[Artifact-3 gitoid] --> Artifact-1[Artifact-1 gitoid]
    Artifact-4[Artifact-4 gitoid] --> Artifact-2[Artifact-2 gitoid]
    Artifact-5[Artifact-5 gitoid] --> Artifact-2[Artifact-2 gitoid]
    Artifact-6[Artifact-6 gitoid] --> Artifact-3[Artifact-3 gitoid]
    Artifact-7[Artifact-7 gitoid] --> Artifact-3[Artifact-3 gitoid]

GitBOM Document

The parent-child relationship is captured by a set of GitBOM Documents.

Each artifact has a GitBOM document that describes its immediate children consiting of a set of new line delimited records, one for each child, in lexical order.

A child artifact which is itself a leaf artifacts would be represented by

blob⎵${gitoid of child}\n

A child artifact which is itself a derived artifact would be represented by

blob⎵${gitoid of child}⎵bom⎵${gitoid of child's GitBOM document}\n


flowchart BT
    Artifact-2[Artifact-2 gitoid] --> Artifact-1[Artifact-1 gitoid]
    Artifact-3[Artifact-3 gitoid] --> Artifact-1[Artifact-1 gitoid]
    Artifact-4[Artifact-4 gitoid] --> Artifact-2[Artifact-2 gitoid]
    Artifact-5[Artifact-5 gitoid] --> Artifact-2[Artifact-2 gitoid]
    Artifact-6[Artifact-6 gitoid] --> Artifact-3[Artifact-3 gitoid]
    Artifact-7[Artifact-7 gitoid] --> Artifact-3[Artifact-3 gitoid]

Artifact-2’s GitBOM:

blob⎵${gitoid of Artifact-4}\n
blob⎵${gitoid of Artifact-5}\n

Artifact-3’s GitBOM:

blob⎵${gitoid of Artifact-6}\n
blob⎵${gitoid of Artifact-7}\n

Artifact-1’s GitBOM:

blob⎵${gitoid of Artifact-2}⎵bom⎵${gitoid of Artifact-2's GitBOM}\n
blob⎵${gitoid of Artifact-3}⎵bom⎵${gitoid of Artifact-2's GitBOM}\n

GitBOM Identifier

For a given artifact, the GitBOM ID of that artifact is simply the gitoid of its corresponding GitBOM Document.

GitBOM Identifier Embedding

GitBOM advocates for build tools to embed into each derived artifact they are building that derived artifact’s GitBOM ID.


ELF Files (Executables and .so, and .o files)
Embed GitBOM identifier into an elf section named ‘.bom’
ar Files (.a static libraries)
Embed GitBOM identifier into an archive entry named ‘.bom’
General Archive files (tar,gzip,etc)
Embed GitBOM identifier into an archive entry named ‘.bom’
Java class file
Embed GitBOM identifier into an annotation named @BOM in the .class file.
Python .pyc files
Embed GitBOM identifier into an bom in the .pyc file.
Container Images
Embed GitBOM identifier into the image manifest as an annotation named “”
Generated Source Code
Embed GitBOM identifier for a generated source code file using a comment

GitBOM Compliments SBOM

GitBOM can help SBOMs be more precise and reliable.

See SBOM: Gitbom Compliments SBOMs for further details.